Monday, July 23, 2012

A Weekend at Anawangin Cove - The Plan

Anawangin Cove in San Antonio, Zambales

In the summer of 2012, my college friends and I wanted to go on a vacation at the beach. Just a short and sweet weekend getaway, without the need of a plane ride and nothing overly planned. We didn't have enough moolah and time to plan for something like that anyway. 

From my experience, short road trips to the beach from Manila could either mean Zambales or Batangas. There are also nearby beaches in Quezon or La Union but they're more famous for surfing (not my favorite sport). Then further away from the city are the beaches of Pangasinan, Ilocos, Bicol and many, many more. I've been to Batangas far too many times and i'm still not a fan of their beaches. But the distance from the Manila favors them and that's why I still go. Meanwhile, Iba, Zambales is my 2nd hometown (next to QC, of course). And you know how it is in your hometown - you rarely get to go around the place as much as tourists does. Because the tendency is, you'll just keep coming home and wouldn't bother going elsewhere. We had a beach nearby too so I didn't find the need to visit all those other famous beaches. But the traveler in me new that I had to visit them too someday, and when the opportunity came, I said, Go!

In the small barrio of Pundaquit lies the beautiful coves and islands of San Antonio, Zambales. Its just a matter of choosing which one. Luckily, I'm not the one organizing our vacation this time so I didn't have to decide on anything. My friend chose the most popular Anawangin Cove. 

the white sand beach of Anawangin
I'm a DIY kind of person but I can surrender to group tours if need be. And so for this particular trip, we decided to join a group tour for the following reasons: 
  1. Transportation - We didn't have enough cars to go on a road trip by ourselves. Even if we did, the toll fees and fuel expenses will just rip us off. It would be more expensive, uncomfortable and less fun if we took the bus. 
  2. The camping part of it all - We didn't have tents and there is no way we're buying them just for one trip. Only a few of us have tried camping and no one wanted to take the responsibility of setting up camp and taking care of everyone's basic needs. 
  3. Its just more convenient - The truth is, we are just a couple of lazy kids that wants to have fun. I don't see anything wrong with that. 
So the next decision to make was to choose which group tour to join in. And the deciding factor is: the cheapest one. Normally, the rates for Anawangin Cove group tour is around Php2000 to Php3000 per head depending on the inclusions. You'll find dozens of offers if you browse online. Although you've got to be careful for those scammers. The cheaper and better may seem, the more suspicious you should be. The best way to be sure is to look for reviews and blogs from other people who have joined the same group tour. Anyway, my friend who was organizing this trip chose this deal from an ad she found in 

Price: PHP 1,899.00/person

2 Days 1 Night Stay at Anawangin Cove
Van (Urvan) Manila-Zambales-Manila
Toll Fee, Driver, Guide, Parking Fee
Boat Ride from and to Anawangin Cove
Island Hopping to Capones Island (Trekking to Lighthouse: Optional)
Anawangin fee 2 days 1 night
Food (Complete Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
5 Gallons Distilled Water
Woods for bonfire
Cooking Set (Spoon,Fork,Glass,Plate,Pitcher)

Sinigang na hipon
Manggang hilaw with alamang
Ripe Melon

Fried Pork Chop
Adobong Manok

Fried Rice
Luncheon Meat
Tasty Bread

Fried Calamares
Halabos na hipon in margarine
Sauted veggies with mushroom and corn
Ripe Mango

Not included yung breakfast ng Saturday so bring something to eat.

To Bring:
- Blanket
- Camera
- Chips
- Off Lotion
- Sunblock
- Toiletries (Soap, Shampoo, Deo, etc.)
- and of course your other personal stuff

Not bad, eh? This package tour is organized by Kuya Jeff (link posted below). And i'm telling you now, this guy is legit. He and his gang organize weekly tours to Anawangin Cove. No more worries about leaving anything important for camping behind, these guys will take care of everything you need for the trip. 

View from the Light House at Capones Island

Now that everything is set (well we didn't really have to set anything), we just had to wait for the date and enjoy the rest of our vacation. More details on my next blog. :)

Please contact Kuya Jeff and his gang through this number: 09173745447
And also thru their Facebook page:

1 comment:

  1. Amazing Pundaquit Boat ToursJune 27, 2013 at 4:57 PM

    Experience the beauty of Zambales and its islands… We take you there by boat and spend a night or two in Anawangin’s camping site , gaze thru the beauty of the Nagsasa cove, walk thru Camara island’s white sands and visit the lighthouse in’s an adventure you won’t forget..

    VISIT OUR FB ACCT: anawangin-amazing pundakit boat tour

    for other concern text me or call at 09198437370 & 09274173875 look for Anthony…for further discount feel free to call us…


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